The Hunchback of the Notre-Dame

The Hunchback of the Notre-Dame

The young Hungarian composer, Nándor Weisz was born in 1978 in Budapest. He began his music studies at the percussion department of the Béla Bartók Conservatory in the capital of Hungary and starting from 1994 continued his education at the Munich Academy of Music, Germany as a student of Dr. Prof. Peter Sadlo and Prof. Edgar Guggeis. Since 2000, the year of his graduation, he has been a musician of the percussion section of the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra. From 2001 has also been a member of the 'Váczi Eszter és a Szörp' and the 'Szigeti Fiúk' formations. He began composing music as a part-time activity. Within his music the mixing of electronic sounds with the tone of acoustic instruments are characteristic. Due to his professional music education as a percussionist, he pays major attention to the development of rhythm and base grooves within his works.
The ballet is the adaptation of Victor Hugo?s world-famous novel that has various film adaptations as well. One of the most popular novelists of French Romanticism started an intellectual revolution when he declared war on Classicism and gathered the most significant artists of his era under the flag of Romanticism. The Hunchback of Notre Dame, the freshest and the biggest Romantic novel was published in 1831. Quasimodo, the hero looks like a monster but he has a noble and loving heart inside and is ready to suffer for his love.

"The novel has a most current message for me, since today emotions and human relations tend to lose their importance. The four main characters do not manage to find love either. Their failures mirror our world, where stereotypes rule our lives and we are mislead by wrong rolemodells. True emotions can make ugly become beautiful. High intelligence does not mean you can answer all the questions of life, naivety does not protect us from pain and beauty does not open the gates of harmony..."

The Hunchback of Notre-Dame is the essence of Victor Hugo's famous novel Notre-Dame de Paris.

The artistic concept is to make a piece for wide range of audience so we especially composed a brand new music to the concept; the sound is a harmonic and easily digestable modern music.
The story is reduced to four main characters: Frollo the priest, Quasimodo the hunchback, Poebus the soldier, Esmeralda the young gipsy girl. Through the piece we follow the story of the novel where we express and show the emotions and dramatic way of life of our 4 main characters.
The costumes and stage are put into a timeless shape but always pointed with stylistic marks on the age where the original story is happening.
This whole concept should give the audience entertaining and artistic experience in dance and show them as well the Victor Hugo's story. 

Premiere on 25 November 2005

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