Speak to me

Speak to me

Speak to Me was created by choreographer Cameron McMillan for Ballet Pécs in 2014 as part of the evening called F-ACES

They say that dance is a universal language. Presumably because the body communicates the subtleties of emotion and relationships in a way that words cannot, or are a second hand interpretation. Body language is instictive and is often our first manifestation of emotion and expression. The development and manipulation of movement language is a central element of my choreographic process and it is the exploration of the language of communication, both between the dancers and the audience, that will be the departure point for this work and furthering my choreographic relationship with the dancers of Pecsi Ballett.

Title of the Evening: F-ACES
Premiére: 7 February 2014 | National Theatre of Pécs
Budapest Premiére: 14 February 2014 | National Dance Theatre
Waving Floor - Choreographer: Zachár Lóránd
Speak To Me - Choreographer: Cameron McMillan

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Kulturális és Innovációs Minisztérium Emberi Erőforrás Támogatáskezelő Nemzeti Kulturális Alap Zsolnay Örökségkezelő NKft. Pécs Pécs Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzata Kedvenc KM Kft.


Pécsi Nemzeti Színház Nemzeti Táncszínház Müpa Magyar Táncművészek Szövetsége Rádió 1 Pécs Pécs FM Made in Pécs