It's time to Dance Children!

It's time to Dance Children!

Our very first interactive ballet is intended to enchant primary school children by the combination of a classic fairytale and the exciting world of dance. The project is strongly connected to this season's grand stage ballet: The Nutcracker. During the 45 minutes children can be part of the classic tale of Marika and the Nutcracker. They can dance with the characters and help the Nutcracker kill the Mouse King.

Come on children! Marika and the Nutcracker can't wait to dance with you! Let yourself be enchanted by the beautiful world of ballet and theatre!

Interactive ballet for children based on the story of The Nutcracker.
Premiére: 20 September 2013 | Pécs International Dance Festival | National Theatre of Pécs - Eck Imre Ballet Room
Performed at a unique venue: the Ballet Room.

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Kulturális és Innovációs Minisztérium Emberi Erőforrás Támogatáskezelő Nemzeti Kulturális Alap Zsolnay Örökségkezelő NKft. Pécs Pécs Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzata Kedvenc KM Kft.


Pécsi Nemzeti Színház Nemzeti Táncszínház Müpa Magyar Táncművészek Szövetsége Rádió 1 Pécs Pécs FM Made in Pécs