In the Garden of Good and Evil

In the Garden of Good and Evil

Jubilee performance of the 50-year old Ballet Pécs

Premiére: 19 November 2010, 19.00 p.m.

Funded by the Pécs2010-ECC program and the National Cultural Fund

The closing event of the festive year shall be a truly exciting brand new grand stage ballet created by Cameron McMillan especially for Ballet Pécs. Cameron McMillan's In the Garden of Good and Evil deals with the theme of The Seven Deadly Sins as present in today's society.

"As a point of departure for a large-scale dance work, the concept of The Seven Deadly Sins has interested me for quite some time. With its modern roots dating back as early as the 4th century, and most commonly associated with the Catholic Church, the sins and their teaching, have played a recognisable part in the social policy of western society for centuries. They have long been a source of creative inspiration for writers and artists, and works of art.
Its historical context secures it's understanding as an idea to many, whilst its universal themes of temptation and vice make it highly appropriate and attractive for contemporary re-interpretation.
Dance is a powerful medium, which can communicate the subtleties of the human condition. I want to use the individual essence of each of the seven vices to communicate a telling depiction of how these traditionally moralistic views can be present in today's society, and interpret them in a relevant way to today's audience.
On the whole they will portray a view of life that is both recognizable and confronting.
I don't intend to preach to the audience about sin and virtue. What I do want to do is use the essence of this universal truth to paint a picture through the emotional and moral landscape we live in, ask questions about the lives we lead and to ultimately connect with the audience on an emotional level in a way that only dance can. I want the work to be 'a liberation'."
(Cameron McMillan)

Premiére: 19 November 2010 | National Theatre of Pécs, Grand Theatre
Budapest Premiére: 5 December 2010 | Palace of Arts

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