Chance Operation

Chance Operation

The term chance operation was coined by John Cage, whose lifelong partner and working companion, Merce Cunningham was the first to use this compositional method in dancing in the 1950s. This method aspires to making the range of the possible variations infinite and unlimited.

When being used within the framework of the performance, it enables the individual to make sense of the art of improvisation as such; which in turn allows the audience to gain a better understanding of the piece, or even contribute to its evolvement. 

The structure of the performance, as well as the sequence of the various dance moves and their variations are made into a  whole by the unique combination of  principles and the inherent randomness that characterises the method.

Premiére: 24 September 2008
Pécs International Dance Festival | National Theatre of Pécs
Co-production by Mariann Gaál and Ballet Pécs

Funded by the National Cultural Fund.
Sponsored by the 'Új Előadómûvészeti Alapítvány'.

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